The Colorado Scramble is an annual gathering of Scrambler Owners...

Line up 1st day of the 20th Annual in Breckenridge, CO.
...intended to bring us all together once a year in a family oriented environment to share our times, vehicles and ideas pertaining to our unique vehicles, Jeep CJ-8 Scramblers. We run a trail or two each day and sometimes on the last day of the event we have an afternoon dinner in the mid to late afternoon where we All eat together and enjoy the friendship, share stories and talk about our Scramblers and all other life matters.
We Have been visited by many from all around and as far away as; Michele & Rick from Orillia, Ontario Canada; John Case from GA and Jack from Florida. We've has folks from WA, CA, NV, UT, AZ, WY, NM, OK, LA, MS, TN, IN, TX and OH. And of course Kansas with the Adams family and many others from there. Kansas has had the most of all, even more than Colorado.
We Have been visited by many from all around and as far away as; Michele & Rick from Orillia, Ontario Canada; John Case from GA and Jack from Florida. We've has folks from WA, CA, NV, UT, AZ, WY, NM, OK, LA, MS, TN, IN, TX and OH. And of course Kansas with the Adams family and many others from there. Kansas has had the most of all, even more than Colorado.

3rd day 22, at Wheeler Lake...
We do have other Jeep vehicles join us; however, they are required to be a quest of a Scrambler owner that is attending. Each Scrambler owner is allowed one non-scrambler guest if they choose. ATV's or UTV's are not allowed, sorry.
We look forward to seeing all of our friends back again as well as new friends for an awesome fun time. Please be courteous when leaving your information on the contact page and I will be more than happy to get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you for visiting.
We look forward to seeing all of our friends back again as well as new friends for an awesome fun time. Please be courteous when leaving your information on the contact page and I will be more than happy to get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you for visiting.